Student English Newspaper

Owl Café

In a small and brightly lit room of a building in Shinjuku—one of the largest cities in Tokyo—time passes slowly, away from the bustle of the big city. About 12 owls, both large and small, are perched quietly on their branches.

This time, the writers of Mita Campus visited an owl café called Mohumohu. Although this is technically a café, the majority of the customers’ time is spent with the owls, and so the drinks are served in plastic bottles. The owls can perch on your hand, arm, or head, and you can take pictures with them as well. With an additional cost, you may be able to feed them baby chicks (It depends on when you visit though). If you truly want to feel the sensation of “mohumohu”—which means “fluffy” in Japanese—try touching an owl’s head with your hand, and you’ll understand.

Taking picture with a variety of owls



The café itself started in Shinjuku two years ago, and it has continued to operate since. However, prior to this, it had been located in Ikebukuro. Thanks to attention from overseas bloggers, the business in Ikebukuro boomed to the point where there were times when it was impossible to make a reservation for a whole month. However, to allow the owls to live in a quiet space, the café relocated to Shinjuku.


To prevent the delicate owls from getting stressed, the café has a reservation system and customers must disinfect before touching the owls. When you are spending time with the owl on your arm, you might also find some that have one eye closed and the other open. Customers might think that the owls are winking at them, but it’s actually called “hemisphere sleep”, which is a special characteristic of owls and dolphins; closing one eye makes half of the brain rest.


Playing with each other(barn owl)


When spending time with uncommon animals like owls, you may unconsciously forget the passing of time. Cafés overseas often have a role as a space for work, but there are many people in Japan who use cafés as a resting place. Animal cafés in particular have been on the rise and people of a wide age range often come to the cafés for relaxation. It is likely that other animal cafés may appear in the future.



Written by  Takeru Suzuki

Takayoshi Kawahara

Minori Tachibana


Edited by  Ryoko Shibata









今回私たちが訪れたのはフクロウカフェ もふもふ(owl café mohumohu)。カフェではあるが、ここでのメインはフクロウとの触れ合いであり、飲み物はペットボトルで提供される。このカフェではフクロウを手や腕、そして頭に乗せたり、一緒に写真を撮ったりすることができる。時間帯にもよるが、料金を追加すれば餌やり(ヒヨコなど)体験もすることができるそうだ。“もふもふ”と名付けた理由はフクロウの頭を小指の背で優しく撫でるように触れると分かる感触を意味している。








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